What is the difference between tax evasion and tax fraud?

February 15, 2024

Tax evasion and tax fraud are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, their meanings and impacts are distinct. Both …

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Places where firearms are prohibited and the risks of violations

December 22, 2023

In South Carolina, owning a gun comes with responsibilities and restrictions. While the state allows lawful owners to carry guns, …

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Is purse snatching considered robbery?

December 7, 2023

Robbery is the use of force or intimidation to take another person’s property. This use of violence, or threat of …

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Things you can expect as a result of due process in the U.S.

December 2, 2023

There is a lot for you to think about when you’re being charged or investigated for a crime. One of …

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Carjacking – when auto theft turns violent

November 24, 2023

In South Carolina, stealing another person’s car is a larceny offense. The penalties for such a crime depend on the …

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When does arson become a federal offense?

November 8, 2023

Arson is a crime involving the intentional burning of property intending to cause damage. It’s also considered one of the …

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Why are eyewitness testimonies often unreliable?

November 6, 2023

There are various ways that evidence is gathered to convict criminals and narrow down suspect lists in South Carolina. However, …

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When false murder charges lead to death

October 26, 2023

Murder is when a person kills an individual with a conscious intent to cause death or serious bodily harm. The …

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Is it a crime to vandalize and destroy mailboxes?

October 10, 2023

While things like instant messaging and email exist, people continue to use the mail to send physical letters and documents …

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Can you get a criminal charge for shooting blanks in public?

October 3, 2023

Shooting blanks means firing a gun loaded with cartridges that don’t have bullets. People often shoot blanks for simulation or …

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need a lawyer?

If you have been charged with a crime, arrested, or under investigation then you need a lawyer.

When you’re charged with a crime, there may be potential penalties that you’re not aware of. But there are ways to defend against the charges, too. Your lawyer can strategize for your case. They can represent you in court and to the prosecutor, putting their expertise to work for you.

Even if the charges don’t seem significant now, they may affect you in the future. Your lawyer defends your freedom and your best interests. If you’re facing a criminal charge or police investigation, contact a criminal defense lawyer.

What steps should I take immediately to protect my rights?

If you’re arrested or charged with a crime, be polite – but don’t consent to any search. Politely say that you refuse to answer any questions. Don’t resist the law enforcement officer.

Exercise your right to remain silent. This includes law enforcement officers before and after the arrest. It also means not talking to others at the police station, your friends, extended family, and social media. The things you say can be used against you.

Ask to contact your lawyer. Then call us right away. We can represent you at your next court hearing. Save everything that you think may be relevant to the case.

How long will my case take?

Every case has a different timeline depending on the severity and facts of the case. Some criminal charges can be resolved in just a few weeks. Others can take several months.

As your lawyer, William G. Yarborough will help you balance the various factors. It can take time to build defenses and/or negotiate a favorable plea agreement. It may be worth it to wait to go to trial. Other times, it’s best to take a plea deal.

What’s right for you depends on multiple factors. Attorney Yarborough can advise you on what he thinks is your best course of action.

Will my case go to trial?

There may be non-trial options available to you. You may secure a plea bargain or a pre-trial case diversion. Sometimes, preliminary motions can result in charges being dismissed.

However, you always have the right to a trial. In a trial, the prosecutor must prove the charges against you beyond a reasonable doubt.

Most cases don’t end up going to trial. But what matters is your case. Attorney Yarborough will work with you on a personalized case plan that reflects your interests and goals.

If your case does go to trial, Attorney William G. Yarborough is prepared to aggressively defend you in court.

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